MPhil Programs

The Research School of Management (RSM) has internationally recognised researchers who can supervise higher degree research (HDR) candidates on a diverse range of topics.

Our school’s research capabilities have been rated as “well above world standard” by Excellence in Research Australia (ERA). Our academic staff and former students have published their papers in such top journals as: Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Human Relations, Human Resource Management, Information Systems Research, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Operations Management, Marketing Science, MIS Quarterly, Organization Science, Organization Studies, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Production and Operations Management.  

Many of our research students have received recognition for outstanding PhD research (e.g., 3MT People’s Choice Award, Best PhD Proposal Award on Corporate Social Responsibility, ISBM Doctoral Support Award Competition Winner), best paper awards (e.g., Academy of Management, Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy, and Australian Industrial/Organizational Psychology Conferences etc.), and published their papers in top journal publications.

MPhil Programs in Research School of Management

MPhil candidates conduct research under the direction of RSM scholars that can pave the way to subsequent doctoral studies.

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Current RSM MPhil Students


Title of Thesis or Research Area


Michelle Dawe

Understanding the Impact of Output/Outcome Alignment on Strategic Front-End Decision Quality in Projects

Professor Ofer Zwikael

Harriet Elvin Leadership of arts organisations as hybrid entities : how arts leaders balance creative and financial goals Dr Anna Hartman and Dr Sally Curtis
Jason Quin   Professor Israr Qureshi

Alyssa Sha


A/ Professor Armin Haller

Garrett Tyler-Parker Product place of origin, craft beer, and the creators Dr Stephen Dann