Professor Israr Qureshi



Research School of Management

Phone number
+61 2 612 52909
Room 1072, LF Crisp Bld (26)
Research areas

Social intermediation; social cohesion; digital development; sharing economy; business and sustainability.


Israr Qureshi is Professor of Social Entrepreneurship and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for Development. His research explores how social organizations leverage social intermediation, commons regeneration and management, and participatory development to ensure an optimal social temperature for the right amount of social entropy. He also investigates: the role that ICT plays in social entrepreneurship and sustainable development; the sharing economy for the base of the pyramid population, especially the cooperative platforms intended to encourage local community sharing; and, business and sustainability, specifically the environmental impact of current business and consumption practices, and ways to encourage frugal, responsible and sustainable consumption. Israr has published in esteemed journals including Academy of Management Learning and EducationEuropean Journal of Information SystemsInformation Systems JournalJournal of ManagementJournal of Management StudiesJournal of Organization BehaviorMIS QuarterlyOrganizational Research Methods, and Organization Studies. Israr has extensive relationships with social sector organizations and his research has been funded by Research Grants Council in Hong Kong, Social Science and Humanities Research Council in Canada, and Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration in India.

View ORCID profile


Research publications

Research engagement and outreach

Associate Editor: MIS Quarterly

Associate Editor: Information Systems Journal

Associate Editor: Business & Society


Current Teaching:

MGMT4019/8019; INFS3002


Other Teaching: 
